Apoiamos causas contra a divulgao de materiais ilegais, agressivos, caluniosos, abusivos, difamatrios, discriminatrios, ameaadores, danosos, invasivos da privacidade de terceiros, terroristas, vulgares, obscenos ou ainda condenveis de qualquer tipo ou natureza que sejam prejudiciais a menores e preservao do meio ambiente. Stan is the best Eminem song of all time, but it's only good with Dido. Elton John sounded completely wrong with Eminem. It is one of the few songs with some meaning. Elton John was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on March 25, 1947, in the town of Pinner in Middlesex, England. An only child who was overweight and wore glasses, he was afraid of his father, a squadron leader (a ranking officer) with the Royal Air Force, whom he described as very snobbish and sort of. Sir Elton John is one of pop music's great survivors. Born 25 March, 1947, as Reginald Kenneth Dwight, he started to play the piano at the early age of four. At the age of 11, he won a scholarship. Trump appears to have a deep interest in the Tiny Dancer singer, and popular music in general even if the musicians he likes don't always return his affections. Eminem was born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Deborah R. (Nelson) and Marshall Bruce Mathers, Jr. , who were in a band together, Daddy Warbucks. A list of songs by Eminem, which albums they are on and links to where to find them on Amazon and iTunes. Dans les annes 1970, Elton John et son groupe ralisent 17 albums en 9 ans, dont 7 conscutivement hisss au sommet des charts US: Honky Chteau, Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Caribou, Greatest Hits I, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, Rock of the Westies. Entre 1972 et 1975, Elton John vit principalement aux tatsUnis. Although he's only been in the public eye since 1999, Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem) has crammed at least a decade's worth of career highs and lows into those few short, highprofile years. Sir Elton Hercules John, ursprungligen Reginald Kenneth Dwight, fdd 25 mars 1947 i Pinner, Middlesex (numera en del av Harrow i nordvstra London), r en brittisk musiker, pianist, kompositr och sngare. Hans album har slts i 250 miljoner exemplar vrlden ver, liksom drygt 100 miljoner singlar, vilket gr honom till en av de mest framgngsrika artisterna genom alla tider. On a snowy day in Detroit, Eminem, bearded and dressed in a white Tshirt and gray hoodie, stands in the lounge of his cavernous studio complex, nodding at a Donkey Kong arcade cabinet. John filantropo e participou do Live Aid de 1985, ao lado de artistas como David Bowie, Sting, Phil Collins, entre outros. Mantm tambm a Fundao Elton John para a AIDS (en), tida como uma das maiores do mundo no gnero, criada em 1992. Em 2005, Elton uniuse em contrato civil com David Furnish, com quem j convivia desde meados da dcada de 90. [Originally published Standing in Whole Foods checkout line last night, and there was Eminem on the cover of Rolling Stone, nose peeking out from his (shady) hoodie. Eminem is currently the music industrys bestselling and most visible recovering addict. During a recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show, gay mafia granddaddy Elton John revealed that Eminem gave him and his husband David Furnish diamond cock rings as wedding presents! Rather than being a revealing insight into Eminems private life or. Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE ( 25. Mrz 1947 als Reginald Kenneth Dwight in Pinner, Middlesex, Greater London, England) ist ein britischer Snger, Komponist und Pianist. Mit ber 450 Millionen verkauften Alben zhlt er zu den Interpreten mit den meisten verkauften Tontrgern weltweit. Sein Repertoire reicht von Balladen ber Rock und RocknRollTitel bis hin zu gospelartigen. Kardashians: Black Friday at Mall of the Apocalypse. Kate Moss Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. As Eminem's reputation grew, he was recruited by several rap groups; the first was the New Jacks. After they disbanded he joined Soul Intent, who released a single on their 1995 selftitled EP featuring Proof. Eminem and Proof then teamed up with four other rappers to form The Dirty Dozen (), who released their first album Devil's Night in 2001. Sir Elton Hercules John CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight, 25 March 1947) is an English singer, pianist, and composer. He has worked with lyricist Bernie Taupin as his songwriting partner since 1967; they have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. In his fivedecade career Elton John has sold more than 300 million records, making him one of the bestselling music artists in the world. EMINEM: Getting clean made me grow up. I feel like all the years that I was using, I wasnt growing as a person. If I had to go through that to get where I am now, then Im very, very grateful. Born Marshall Mathers, he became an international sensation after the release of his first single, My Name Is. He won the Best Rap Album Grammy for three consecutive albums: The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show. Sir Elton Hercules John, nome d'arte di Reginald Kenneth Dwight (Londra, 25 marzo 1947), un cantautore, compositore e musicista britannico. uno dei maggiori artisti del rock contemporaneo; con la sua intensa attivit musicale ha infatti contribuito notevolmente alla diffusione del piano rock e negli anni settanta stato la principale espressione del movimento, pur vantando comunque. For the past 60 years, the RIAA has honored musics best through its Gold Platinum Awards Program. When an artist earns a Gold Platinum certification, they join the ranks of an elite group of beloved musicians..